Busy defined

Definition of busy (Courtesy of Merriam Webster)


1a :engaged in action :occupied 
  • She's busy studying.
  • has enough work to keep himbusy for a while
b :being in use 
  • found the telephone busy

Image result for busy images2:full of activity :bustling 
  • busy seaport

3:foolishly or intrusively active :meddling
  • busy, fussy sort of man much concerned with regulating everything
  •  —A. M. Young

4:full of distracting detail: A busy design

How many times do you use the excuse "I was too busy"? 

I have been struggling lately with using this excuse too much when messing up, missing something, not paying enough attention to the people around me, forgetting to do something I said I would do or knew I needed to get done. Really though, it's just an excuse. 

This kind of busy, the kind that I complain of being lately is defined above as "full of activity". And, yes, life can be full of activity sometimes. It can be over full sometimes. It can be overflowing sometimes. It can be overwhelming sometimes. But really, it's not a good reason to miss something else important in your life. Time is a commodity that is really very valuable and I don't want to miss opportunities to be involved in the lives of the people around me because I let my life become so full of activity that I miss the mark. 

Here are some of the ways I'm trying to counter the "busy" excuse:
  • Pray more, specifically for God to help me manage all of my time and the different areas of my life that I need to be involved in.
  • Organize my time better, giving myself time to rest and recharge as well as time to plan out my day... having a plan cuts down on missing the important things.
  • Prioritize. Sometimes I just have to let some things go and figuring out what the most important things to do each day helps me know which things I can say no to or even say "not now" to.
What about you? Have you been using the excuse of being busy? How are you trying to combat allowing the fullness of activity to take over your life?


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