Get into my belly! 📷: Google Images Late night googling can be dangerous. First, you may find things you can't wait to try. RIGHT THEN! Regardless of the time of night (or early morning). Take this French rolled omelet for instance. I didn't even know there was such a beautiful thing. But, my friend Google knew. And now I do too. I not only know about these little beauties I've also decided they may be my favorite way to eat eggs. So I must insist suggest you try them for yourself. The journey to French omelety goodness... The other night I stumbled across the fact that the French prefer their omelets to taste way better than our American omelets. Who knew? Well, maybe the American transplanted French people. Poor transplants. If you're one, I am sorry for our omelet inferiority. We do have many things you can enjoy. Like hamburgers. And Crawfish etouffee. Accept these as consolation prizes. They are pretty good conso...
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