Visit my student's blogs!

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Click on the links below to visit my student's blogs and while you're there leave them a comment, they can't wait to have you visit. 

Really, his mom does. I'm kind of partial to dorks though. Take a peek and see if you agree with his mom. 

Interested in reading about volleyball and cheer? This is the blog for you. If you don't know anything about either one, stop by here and read a little. It's sure to be fun!

Check out all of the anecdotes and interesting tidbits you can find here! This one promises to be a beautiful journey into blogging. Check it out and let us know what you think.

It truly is a pleasure to follow this new blogger and see what she has going on in her interesting and inspiring life! Join her journey and make sure to let her know that you stopped by!

You are sure to be delighted when you visit this new blogger's site! Hop on over and check out what's on her mind. Chat with her a bit and see if she can enlighten you with her ideas and thoughts. 

Something for you sporting fans! Check out Luke's news, thoughts and opinions as he reports to you engaging and interesting things going on in the sports world. 

Tennis fans unite! But even if you aren't a tennis fan yet you are sure to be after following this sports-writer's blog. Let him inform you of all things tennis and be sure to say hi when you drop in. 


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