I'm BACK!!! And a reading challenge

    Pic: Flickr creative commons

      My blogging class is over (😢) and the class and I will start learning some coding and web development next semester. Some of my students are still blogging a bit and my own daughter has started her own blog so keep checking out the links here for those student blogs.

     I took some time off of almost everything that didn't relate to family and work for the last month.  I had a very nice holiday for the Thanksgiving/Christmas break. Our family took a fun trip to the Gatlinburg area (more on that in another blog post!) and enjoyed family and relaxation for the New Year week. Now that I am feeling mostly refreshed on to the next thing. Which is.....

     Goals for 2018! I don't really set resolutions. I don't feel like "resolute" really defines the way I tackle any new thing. Although I'd love it to... it's just not the truth. I'm not sure "admirably purposeful" or "unwavering" is really how I roll. I'm aiming for that, but, you know, LIFE. And REALITY. So Goals it is.

    One of the goals that I am striving towards is to broaden my reading horizons. I tend to be very particular ... choosey ... stuck on certain genres of books. I love a good fiction. I like it to be either 1) historical romance 2) suspense, particularly crime drama or 3) dystopian. I know that's a weird combination of books I like but, there you have it. But I WANT to read different books. I really do. And I know myself. I know myself all too well. I won't do it unless I challenge myself. ( I may not even do it then, yikes!)

     So, with the goal in mind of broadening my reading horizons I have found a great challenge for 2018 and thought I would share it here. First, you, my devoted readers, may want to tag along with me on my reading journey (and no, you don't have to be "admirabley purposeful" either. Just be you!) and second, this is a bit of accountability for me.

    Since my life is rather lovingly, blessedly full I have decided to just do the "light" portion of this plan and if I get more read this year, then great! Here's my goal for this reading challenge:

  • Read at least 1 book every four weeks using this list as a guide.
  • Post a review of each book here, on my blog
  • Pass the book (or a recommendation of the book) along to a friend. Maybe. It could be that I'm not that good at picking other genre of books and that's why I don't like them? So, I'll recommend the book if it's worth recommending.  

     You can find the 2018 reading challenge that I am participating in over at Tim Challies' blog. And yes, I do think I'm adding his book Do More Better to my list. I'll let you know what I think after I've read it.

      What do you say? Wanna join me? Come on... it's only 13 books... or 26.... or 52... or 104!!!!!
Leave me a comment and let me know if you're game.


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